Thursday 21 October 2010

Proiectul „Invitaţie către compozitori”, România 20-27 octombrie 2010



British Council a organizat, în data de 20 octombrie 2010 conferinţa de presă dedicată prezentării în România a proiectului „Invitaţie către compozitori” - un proiect unic, ce se defăşoară în perioada 2009-2011 în trei ţări partenere: Marea Britanie,‪ Franţa şi România.

Organizat de London Schubert Players Orchestra, în parteneriat cu Institutul Cultural Român din Paris şi Asociaţia Info Manager România, cu suportul Comisiei Europene – prin Fondul Cultural European, acest proiect încurajează compozitorii contemporani să creeze lucrări noi, inspirate de ideile muzicale din secolele XVIII, XIX si XX şi să îmbine elemente culturale din propriul patrimoniu cultural.
În România, proiectul beneficiază şi de sprijinul British Council şi de parteneriatul cu Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune.

Lansat în martie 2010, la Royal Academy of Music din Londra, în prezenţa Ambasadorului României la Londra, domnul Ioan Jinga, „Invitaţie către compozitori” va prezenta noi creaţii muzicale, printr-un număr impresionant de concerte, ateliere, seminare, conferinţe şi prezentări de produse audio-vizuale şi de publicaţii, în Marea Britanie, Franţa şi România.
Aventura muzicală pe care o propune proiectul „Invitaţie către compozitori” conduce publicul şi interpreţii la sursa inspiraţiei muzicale, urmărind să creeze o nouă relaţie între compozitori, interpreţi şi publicul ascultător.
Compozitorii vor îmbogăţi repertoriul muzicii clasice europene prin formule instrumentale inedite sau extrem de rare în repertoriul muzicii de cameră. Compoziţiile selectate anual vor fi interpretate în concerte organizate în Marea Britanie, Franţa şi România, pe parcursul a doi ani (2010 – 2011). De asemenea, cele mai bune lucrări vor fi înregistrate şi publicate, prezentate, ca şi creatorii lor, marelui public.
Cinci lucrări aparţinând unor compozitori celebri - Schubert, Mendelssohn, Saint-Saëns, Messiaen şi Enescu, au fost alese ca „modele” de inspiraţie şi sunt interpretate şi înregistrate în paralel cu noile piese.
Publicul va deveni el însuşi parte a procesului de creaţie, participând la dialogul dintre compozitori şi interpreţi în cadrul mai multor seminarii şi ateliere.

"Motivaţia din spatele acestui proiect este potenţialul pentru crearea de oportunităţi pentru mulţi compozitori contemporani în mod simultan. Acesta prevede noi provocări pentru compozitori şi artiştii interpreţi promovând dialogul inter-cultural între compozitori, muzicieni şi public " – Anda Anastasescu, director de proiect.

‪În România, timp de o săptămână, în perioada 20-27 octombrie 2010, proiectul “Invitaţie pentru Compozitori” va prezenta publicului noi compoziţii muzicale în cadrul concertelor, forumului internaţional de compoziţie şi a atelierelor de lucru ce vor avea loc în interpretarea London Schubert Players, astfel:
• Cluj, 21 octombrie în cadrul Festivalului Toamnă Muzicală Clujeană – dezbatere şi concert ;
• Bucureşti, 26 octombrie, la Sala Radio – dezbatere cu publicul şi concert;
• Forumul Internaţional de Compoziţie, 27 octombrie, orele 11:00 – 18:00, în sala George Enescu a Universităţii Naţionale de Muzică.

Atelierele de lucru susţinute înaintea concertelor şi în cadrul Forumului de compoziţie vor permite un schimb de idei între publicul participant, instrumentişti şi compozitorii Drew Wilson si Mihail Cretu din Marea Britanie.
Publicul este invitat să se alăture acestei călătorii muzicale, ce cuprinde o premieră mondială, 6 compoziţii în premieră românească şi o premieră bucureşteană în interpretarea excepţională a artiştilor: Anda Anastasescu, Ken Aiso, Yuri Zhislin, Dominika Rosiek, Matthew Huber, Mihail Cretu, Helen Pierce şi Mariya Sotirova.

Pentru detalii vã rugãm contactaţi:

Asociaţia Info Manager
Mobile UK: 00 44 (0)75 15 25 35 84
Mobile RO: 0040 730 268 338

Pentru mai multe informaţii, vă rugăm să vizitaţi :


21 Octombrie 2010
Academia de Muzica Gheoghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca
Concert 19.30
Atelier muzical cu publicul 17.00 – intrarea liberă

MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) - Concert pentru Pian, Vioară şi Coarde
Mihai CRETU (1960 -) - Dans şi Improvizaţie pe un cântec popular românesc pentru Contrabas solo - Premiera Română
Jonathan OSTLUND (1975-) - The Outermost Gate /Poarta cea mai îndepartată - Premiera Română
György LIGETI (1923 – 2006) Balada şi Joc pentru două viori - Premiera Română ; Hommage à Hilding Rosenberg pentru vioară şi violoncel - Premiera Română
Drew WILSON (1960 -) Nocturne with Cloudscape/Nocturnă cu peisaj de nori - Premiera Mondială


London Schubert Players
Pian Solo - Anda Anastasescu
Vioară solo – Ken Aiso
Vioară solo şi vioara întâi - Yuri Zhislin
Vioară solo şi vioara a doua - Dominika Rosiek
Violoncel solo – Matthew Huber
Contrabas solo– Mihail Cretu
Viola - Mariya Sotirova

26 Octombrie 2010
Sala Mare a Radiodifuziunii Române, BUCUREŞTI
Concert 19.00
18.00 Atelier muzical cu publicul şi compozitorii britanici Drew Wilson şi Philip Cashian – intrarea liberă


F. MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY (1809-1847) - Concert pentru Pian, Vioară şi Coarde
Drew WILSON (1960 - ) - Nocturne with Cloudscape - Premiera Bucureşteană
Carmen Maria CÂRNECI (1957- ) - Quatuor pour Marguerite - Premiera Română
Bjorn Bolstad SKJELBRED (1970- ) Dans l’Ombre du Gibet (Crystals) - Premiera Română
Olivier MESSIAEN (1908-1992) - Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps


London Schubert Players
Pian solo - Anda Anastasescu
Vioară solo – Ken Aiso
Vioară solo şi vioara întâi - Yuri Zhislin
Violoncel solo – Matthew Huber
Clarinet solo – Helen Pierce
Vioara a doua - Dominika Rosiek
Violă - Mariya Sotirova
Contrabas – Mihail Creţu

27 Octombrie 2010
Forumul Internaţional de Compoziţie,
Universitatea Naţională de Muzică, sala “George Enescu” – orele 11:00-18:00, intrarea liberă.

Forumul de compoziţie va fi prezidat de domnul Dan Dediu, rectorul Academiei de Muzică din Bucureşti şi domnul Philip Cashian, şeful catedrei de compoziţie de la Royal Academy of Music din Londra. Vor fi prezenţi compozitori şi muzicologi consacraţi, studenţi şi publicul meloman.

Vã aşteptã cu drag în lumea muzicii!

Echipa proiectului „Invitaţie către compozitori”, România

Mobile UK: 00 44 (0)75 15 25 35 84
Mobile RO: 0040 730 268 338

European Union Culture Fund, Programme 2007-2013
London Schubert Players Trust
Lionel Tertis Foundation, London
Institutul Cultural Roman, Paris
Institutul Cultural Roman, Londra
Asociatia Info Manager, Bucuresti

British Council Romania
Universitatea de Muzica Bucuresti
Exclusive Holidays
Hotel Rembrandt
Opus Musica
Ambasada României in Marea Britanie
Ambasada României in Franţa
Universite Paris 8
Academia de Muzica Gheorghe Dima Cluj
Fundaţia Tertis
Music Information Centre Norway
Românca Society
Radio Ciocârlia
Asociaţia Adolescentul
Pro Diaspora

Radio Romania Cultural
Radio Romania Muzical
Radio Romania Actualitati
Radio Romania International
Romanian Global News
Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni
Turism si Afaceri
Aşii României
Reţeaua Literară
Revista Vatra Veche
Fundatia Asturian
Fundaţia Heron
Asociaţia Unirea Viena
Ziarul Romanesc
Diaspora Online
Nou Horizont
Niram Art
Revista Oglinda

Români Online
Români in UK
Stewart’s Melville College Edinburg
The Griffon Partnership Norfolk

Monday 18 October 2010

Invitatie-intalnire cu organizatorii proiectului european muzical Invitation to Composers.

Buna ziua,

Avem placerea de a va invita la o intalnire cu organizatorii evenimentului muzical Invitation to Composers - un proiect european initiat de initiat de catre London Schubert Players Trust in 2009 si dezvoltat in parteneriat cu Institutul Cultural Roman Paris si Asociatia Info Manager din Bucuresti, cu suportul Comisiei Europene.
Acest proiect incurajeaza compozitorii contemporani sa scrie lucrari noi, inspirate de ideile muzicale din secolele XVIII, XIX si XX, imbinand elemente culturale din patrimoniul propriu.

Activitatile din Romania sunt sprijinite de British Council si Radiodifuziunea Romana.

Doamna Anda Anastasescu, pianist, fondator si director muzical al orchestrei de camera London Schubert Players, va fi prezenta la aceasta intalnire, in calitate de director al proiectului european Invitation to Composers. Alaturi de dansa, vor fi doi dintre muzicienii participanti in acest proiect - compozitorul si contrabasistul Mihail Cretu si compozitorul Drew Wilson din Marea Britanie. Toti trei, impreuna cu doamna Ionela Flood, reprezentand Asociatia Info Manager din Romania, va vor da detalii despre activitatile din Romania ce se vor desfasura in perioada 20-27 octombrie si vor raspunde intrebarilor dumneavoastra.

Intalnirea va avea loc in data de 20 octombrie, ora 10.00, la sediul British Council - biblioteca @British. Va rugam sa ne confirmati participarea pana maine, 19 octombrie, ora 17.00, la adresa de e-mail, sau la nr. de telefon 0724 288 881.

Va asteptam cu drag.

O zi buna,
Luise Vuiu

Luise Georgiana Vuiu
Head Strategic Partnership and Marketing

British Council | Romania | Calea Dorobantilor 14, Bucharest 010572
T +40 (0)21 307 9600, +40 (0) 307 9621 | M +40 (0)724 288 881
F +40 (0)21 307 9601 | BCTN 4401121
E |

Invitation to Composers beneficiaza de suportul urmatoarelor organizatii:

ORGANIZATORI: London Schubert Players Trust în parteneriat cu Institutul Cultural
Român Paris şi Asociaţia Info Manager din Bucuresti , cu suportul Comisiei

European Union Culture Fund, Programme 2007-2013
London Schubert Players Trust
Lionel Tertis Foundation, London
Institutul Cultural Roman, Paris
Institutul Cultural Roman, Londra
Asociatia Info Manager, Bucuresti

British Council Romania
Universitatea de Muzica Bucuresti
Exclusive Holidays
Hotel Rembrandt
Opus Musica
Ambasada României in Marea Britanie
Ambasada României in Franţa
Universite Paris 8
Academia de Muzica Gheorghe Dima Cluj
Fundaţia Tertis
Music Information Centre Norway
Românca Society
Radio Ciocârlia
Asociaţia Adolescentul
Pro Diaspora

Radio Romania Cultural
Radio Romania Muzical
Radio Romania Actualitati
Radio Romania International
România Global News
Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni
Turism si Afaceri
Aşii României
Reţeaua Literară
Revista Vatra Veche
Fundatia Asturian
Fundaţia Heron
Asociaţia Unirea Viena
Ziarul Romanesc
Diaspora Online
Nou Horizont
Niram Art
Revista Oglinda

Români Online
Români in UK
Stewart’s Melville College Edinburg
The Griffon Partnership Norfolk

Saturday 2 October 2010

Euroscene Bytesize: September edition - Launch of the London ESFRegional Framework

The London ESF Regional Framework 2011-13 has now been launched so read the summary below and then download it from the LDA’s website as this will provide much information and context as to how the ESF Programme will roll out in London over the next few years with much activity anticipated soon after the Coalition Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review.
The CFO Plans will be published after the CSR with tendering rounds taking place in the final weeks of 2010 and early weeks of 2011.

Launch of London ESF Framework 2011-13
LVSTC ESF Partnership Portal soon to launch
CFO Procurement Timetables
Health, Work and Well-being Conference
CFO News
Skills Funding Agency (SFA) - PQQ Launch – ESF Youth Programme
National Offender Management Services (NOMS)
London Councils
Department for Work & Pensions
London Development Agency - ESF Co-financing Programme 2011-2013 Launch and information from events now available

Launch of London ESF Framework 2011-13
In preparation for the second half of the ESF London Programme, worth £423m to the capital, the ESF Regional Framework has been launched and is now available to download from the following link: This sets the scene for the various Plans of the Co-Financing Organisations which in turn determine the pattern of tenders to be released over the next few months. These will finance initiatives taking place over the period to 2013 with the usual 2-year run-on to 2015.
In his foreword, the Mayor of London focuses on how ESF will support Londoners and London ’s businesses through economic hardship and into recovery. In particular, he writes: “This versatile programme supports Londoners who have never accessed education, employment or training, or whose lives have taken a wrong turn and are looking for a second chance. It helps Londoners who lose their jobs or need to improve their skills to compete in an even tougher labour market.”
He closes with an affirmation of the key leadership role of the London Skills & Employment Board in pursuing the close collaboration of the various delivery bodies to minimise overlap. The objective is integrated commissioning: “a more joined up service both for those of you who seek to access European Funds; and most importantly, for the Londoners who benefit from them.”
As with so much in the current public domain, the next steps will be significantly influenced by the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review due to be announced on 20th October. However, an important regional steer is evident through The London Statement of Skills Priority 2011/12 produced by the LDA and the LSEB:
• high level skills are critical to driving the economy
• ensuring a basic platform of employability skills
• boosting the quantity and quality of Apprenticeships in key growth areas
• improving Leadership and Management skills
• developing progression routes for low-skilled workers
• focus on sustained employment and progression outcomes.
The Framework also takes into consideration those changes that may take place in London ’s economy or new and emerging strategies:
• the new DWP Work Programme
• the proposed ‘folding in’ of the activities of the LDA into the GLA
• the development of Local Enterprise Partnerships
• developing activities and priorities that may result from the consultations on the Skills Strategy and the Further Education and Skills Funding System.

The intended attraction of the Programme is still to providers large and small. The Framework precedes warming activities through the autumn with the main tendering rounds getting underway between the end of October and the early New Year.
For more information, as it emerges, keep in touch with LVSTC.

LVSTC ESF Partnership Portal
LVSTC are please to announce the launch of its new Partnership Portal. With the prospect of application rounds starting towards the end of the year, it is a good idea to start thing about prospective partners for your application.

The portal is slightly different than those produced for earlier application rounds in that the data captured relates to the work of your organisation only and does not ask questions about specific tenders.
When a funding application round is launched, we will contact you about your interest in order to provide additional search filters to the portal.
Registration is free and you can enter your details at
We will start publishing details by 5th October 2010.

CFO Procurement Timetables
For details on the expected procurement timetables for each of the 5 ESF Co-financing organisations (Skills Funding Agency, DWP, LDA, NOMS and London Councils), please visit: You can also download a copy of the London ESF 2011-2013 Programme Update from this webpage, which provides an outline on the type of services to be commissioned under each area of the programme.
Good Jobs; Good for Health & Good for Business
Health, Work and Well-being Conference
14 October 2010, City Hall, London SE1 2AA
The Greater London Authority, the London Development Agency and the London Health Commission are jointly hosting the Good Jobs, Good for Health & Good for Business conference. The event will be held on Thursday 14 October from 10.30am-4.30pm at City Hall.
The main objective is to facilitate exchanges, debate and networking on good health and work practices between experts in the public, private and voluntary sectors.
The event forms part of the 2010 EU Open Days, the annual get-together of experts in regional and local development. For more details on EU Open Days please visit the EU Open Days website.
The event will comprise a range of high profile speakers from the health, employment and skills fields including Pamela Chesters, the Mayor’s Advisor on Health and Youth Opportunities.
Participation on this event is free of charge and registrations must be received by the deadline of 8 October 2010.
For a more detailed programme and information on how to register please visit the London Development Agency’s news and event pages of the website.

Skills Funding Agency (SFA) - PQQ now closed –ESF Youth Programme

The Skills Funding Agency launched a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) in August for the provision of Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) youth services in England which has now closed.
Any provider who’s interested in tendering to deliver the Skills Funding Agency NEET provision in London needs to be registered on the SFA’s e-tendering portal and those respondents that met the deadline will be notified of results from 4th October 2010.

A decision on the NOMS ESF contracts is expected in November.
London Councils
At present, there is a re-tendering round for ESF in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham. Otherwise, there are no plans for new rounds until late 2011.
Department for Work & Pensions
Preparation is underway for the Work Programme with Invitations to Tender for the WP Framework now in the public domain. Tendering is expected to begin at the end of 2010 with starts in early 2011. The DWP element of the ESF London Programme will follow.
LDA ESF Co-financing Programme 2011-2013
Adult and Youth programme tendering rounds launched
The LDA has now launched its ESF Adult and Youth programme tendering round. If you are interested in applying for either of these opportunities you must register on CompeteFor via the following link and complete the Pre-qualification Questionnaire relevant to the opportunity you wish to bid for.
Any queries about this tendering opportunity should be emailed to . Answers will then be made available to all potential suppliers on the LDA’s website,
As with previous rounds both programmes are expected to require proposals for large projects, and partnerships and consortiums are the most likely route to funding. In fact it is probable that the projects required will be fewer and larger than previous rounds, with significant amounts of funding, possibly the whole allocation of the 2011-2013 ESF funding. As with previous rounds this will require partnerships and consortiums to have financially robust lead organisations with voluntary sector organisations as delivery partners.
Information from LDA market warming event
Two highly popular events were held earlier this month to inform people about various aspects of the LDA’s work

LVSTC Partnership Portals
LVSTC will be utilizing partnership portals as soon as the details of the rounds are firmed up. We would recommend that the voluntary sector begins talking now to potential partners about project development for both programmes. Previously the portals have proved very effective in aiding partnership development and we hope to have them in place as early as possible to ensure maximum development time for prospective partners.
Below are the programmes in greater detail extracted from the LDA website:
LDA ESF Programme 2011-2013
The LDA ESF Youth and Employability programmes will provide support and activities for Londoners under the priorities of the European Social Fund (ESF) Regional Framework. The programmes aim to increase the rate and quality of economic participation of all Londoners, including disengaged youth, long-term unemployed and people in low skilled and low paid work.
ESF Youth Programme 2011-2013
Priority 1.2: Employment and skills activities targeted at young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)
The London Development Agency (through integrated commissioning with other London ESF co-financing agencies), will focus on re-engaging young Londoners (16-19) who have disengaged with education, employment and training.
Four projects, outlined below will test various methods of re-engagement.
Pan-London NEET Provision
The Pan-London NEET project aims to provide innovative and flexible solutions to tackle the problem of young people Not in Employment, Training or Education (NEET) across London . A driving factor behind this project is to reduce the high rate of churn in the NEET group (those young people who move in and out of engagement). To do this, providers will have to develop a personalised approach to meet the different needs within this cohort.
Training to Work
This employer-led project will provide bespoke training for young people aged 16-19 who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) in order to prepare them for employment within two growth sectors for London . The project will test if this approach can be used as a successful mechanism to support young people who are NEET into sustained employment.
Volunteering into Employment, Education and Training
This project aims to re-engage young people with education, employment and training through volunteering. In addition to re-engagement, this project aims to increase young people’s awareness of the benefits of volunteering, what they can offer a volunteering organisation and how volunteering can contribute to developing their employability skills, thereby improving their ability to compete within the unpredictable labour market.
Opportunities for Vulnerable Young People
This targeted project will support the re-engagement of two specific groups of very vulnerable young people who are Not in Employment, Education or Training in London . The two groups that will be targeted are teenage parents and care leavers, (who are leaving or have just left the local authority care system). These two groups face unique challenges to re-engaging with education, employment and training and require bespoke support to transition successfully to independent living.

Funding model
These four projects will all by funded through an outcome based funding model. Please note that funding for this round of ESF projects is subject to approval.

Project delivery
Black Box Commissioning
The Pan-London NEET Provision project and the Opportunities for Vulnerable Young People will use "black box" commissioning to promote innovative and flexible methods to support these young people to re-engage with education, employment and training.
Elements of black box commissioning:
• Engagement of a young person on the programme
• Aspiration raising
• IAG provision
• Skills development
• Employer engagement
• Brokerage
• Support to young people to sustain outcome
• Support to employers to sustain outcome
The project 'Volunteering into Employmnet, Education and Training' will use a more prescriptive model (i.e. volunteering) and as such, will require that providers use volunteering to re-engage young people who are NEET.
'Training to Work' will also use a specific employer-lead delivery model to promote the training and employment of young people who are NEET in two growth sectors in London .

LDA ESF Adult Employability Programme 2011-12
The LDA's ESF Adult Employability programme aims to provide a cohesive programme of support for adults, which will help move long term workless Londoners into sustained employment as well as support low paid and low skilled workers to achieve career progression.
Priority 1.1 – Adult Employability
The following specifications are expected to be funded under Priority 1.1 – Adult Employability (subject to approval):
ESF Heathrow Employability and Up-Skilling
The Heathrow Employability and Up-skilling programme will deliver an integrated and bespoke employability and up-skilling programme to ensure that London ’s workless population can access sustainable employment opportunities at Heathrow Airport .
The project will support those people who have been out-of-work for more than 12 months to access jobs in a range of occupations including drivers, loaders, ground operations, security, and passenger ground handling. BAA will be closely involved in developing the project specification and supporting its implementation.
ESF Low Carbon Employment
The project aims to develop demand-led solutions that target both unemployed individuals and long term workless clients to access sustained employment within the Low Carbon economy.
The Low Carbon economy is likely to generate significant additional jobs over the next few years and this can provide suitable employment opportunities for low and intermediate skilled Londoners to participate and progress within this growth sector.
ESF London Works
London Works aims to address the high levels of worklessness in London , by providing a package of employability and personalised support to those who have been out of work for more than 12 months.
The project will be commissioned on a sub regional basis and is likely to be delivered in Central, West and North / North East London. The project will deliver sustained employment outcomes by developing innovative and bespoke solutions to meet the range of needs of the target group and tackle barriers to sustained employment.
ESF Jobs Plus
The objective of ‘Jobs Plus’ is to help workless individuals into sustained employment for 12 months, and for approximately one third of those individuals that sustain work to progress in their careers. The LDA currently plans to demonstrate this approach and believes that the inclusion of progression within mainstream welfare to work services is the obvious next step in improving the quality of employment outcomes for individuals and an improved return on investment for the Exchequer.
Jobs Plus will support long term workless (12 months or more and not currently engaged in mainstream provision) into sustained employment and support while in work to progress in their career. This project will be geographically focused in boroughs in South London . Jobs Plus is concerned with addressing challenges facing both individuals and employers through strong engagement, planning and support.
Priority 2.1 – Basic Skills in the Workplace
The following specification is expected to be funded under Priority 2.1 – Basic Skills in the Workplace (subject to approval):
ESF Skills for Work
Skills for Work will deliver an integrated package of skills development and personalised support to low skilled and low paid workers, to achieve a Skills for Life qualification and improve career prospects. The project aims to increase the volumes of Londoners accessing basic skills, particularly numeracy. The project will deliver skills development and career progression outcomes.
The Funding Model
The projects will be funded through an outcome based payment model to achieve:
• Sustained employment measured at 12 months
• Career Progression Outcomes measured at 6 months
Funding status
LDA funding for both programs is not confirmed at this stage and all proposals are subject to approval by HM Treasury.
We anticipate further clarity over the funding position following the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). The CSR will set out public spending plans for the years 2011-12 to 2014-15 and is expected to be published in October 2010.
Formal approval for LDA funding will be sought from Treasury following the CSR.

If you would like to send out information with our bi-monthly newsletter, Euroscene, thereby reaching a contact list of over 3,000 organisations, then please get in touch with Bill Burke on the numbers below.

LVSTC, Bromley Hall, 43 Gillender Street , London , E14 6RN
Tel: 0845 262 2006 or 020 7538 4309
Fax: 0845 262 2005 or 020 7005 0275

Friday 1 October 2010

Cea mai mare orgă din România – vedeta Festivalului Internaţional „Seri cu orgă la Sala Radio” (21 septembrie 2010)

Radio România vă invită în perioada 1 - 11 octombrie 2010, la prima ediţie a Festivalului Internaţional „Seri cu orgă la Sala Radio”, organizat de Direcţia Orchestrelor şi Corurilor, un eveniment de anvergură în spaţiul cultural românesc şi cu totul special pe scena muzicală a lumii, în cadrul căruia artişti români şi internaţionali vor cânta exclusiv pe impresionantul instrument al Sălii Radio.

Evenimentul va avea loc aşadar la Sala Radio, unde se află cea mare orgă din România (7420 de tuburi), şi va cuprinde 9 concerte şi recitaluri susţinute de solişti de talie internaţională: Ilse Maria Reich şi Martin Schmeding - Germania; Andrzej Chorosinski - Polonia, Hana Bartosova - Cehia, Ursula Philippi, Olga Babadjian, Marcel Costea şi Dan Racoveanu din România şi alţii.

Festivalul internaţional „Seri cu orgă la Sala Radio” va debuta pe 1 octombrie - Ziua Internaţională a Muzicii -, de la ora 19.00, cu „Misa de orgă” de J. S. Bach în interpretarea renumitei soliste Ilsa Maria Reich, urmată de recitalul lui Marcel Costea, la ora 21.00.

Sala Radio are cea mai bună acustică dintre toate sălile de concerte simfonice româneşti şi adăposteşte una dintre cele mai mari orgi din Europa. Ambele au fost renovate, pentru prima oară după 50 de ani, în vara anului 2009, în pauza dintre stagiuni.

Biletele pot fi achiziţionate de la Casa de Bilete a Sălii Radio (str. G-ral Berthelot nr. 60 - 64, sector 1) şi prin reţeaua Eventim, magazinele Germanos, Vodafone, librăriile Cărtureşti, Humanitas şi online, de pe

Programul Festivalului:

Vineri, 1 octombrie 2010, ora 19.00
ILSE MARIA REICH (Germania) - orgă
J. S. Bach - Misa de orgă

Vineri, 1 octombrie 2010, ora 21.30
Lucrări de: C. Franck, M. Dupré, Paul de Maleingreau, L.Vierne, J. Alain

Sâmbătă, 2 octombrie 2010, ora 19.00
MARTIN SCHMEDING (Germania) - orgă
Lucrări de: F. Mendelssohn, J. S. Bach, W. A. Mozart, Petr Eben, R. Schumann, Jean Guillou, Julius Reubke

Sâmbătă, 2 octombrie 2010, ora 21.30
Lucrări de: W. A. Mozart, C. G. Höpner, A. F. Hesse, E. Schönfelder, J. N. W. Kühne, L. Baumert

Duminică, 3 octombrie 2010, ora 17.00
O după amiază cu orgă
Lucrări de: J. S. Bach, R. Schumann, W. A. Mozart, J. Labor, J. Langlais, Ch. H. V. Alkan, D.Voiculescu, D. Dediu, V. Dinescu, D. Acker, H. P. Türk.

Miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010, ora 19.00
Solişti: MARTIN SCHMEDING - orgă
MIHAELA IŞPAN - mezzosoprană
G. Bizet - Mică suită din Jeux d'Enfants, op. 22
F. Poulenc - Concertul în sol minor pentru orgă şi orchestră
J. Haydn - Marea Misă cu orgă

Duminică, 10 octombrie 2010, ora 17.00
Lucrări de: D. Buxtehude, M. Reger, S. Gubaidulina, O. Babadjan, O. Messiaen, Liana Alexandra, J. S. Bach

Duminică, 10 octombrie 2010, ora 19.00
HANA BARTOSOVA (Cehia) - orgă
Lucrări de: P. Eben, Jan Zach, J. K.Vaňhal, Jan Křtitel Kuchař, Milan Slimáček , Josef Klička, Josef Seger, Jan Křtitel Kuchař,Vítězslav Novák, Zdeněk Pololáník, Bohuslav Martinů

Luni, 11 octombrie 2010, ora 19.00
Lucrări de: J. S. Bach, Fr. Chopin, Marian Sawa, Mieczysław Surzyński, W. A. Mozart, R. Schumann, Leon Boellmann.

Coproducător: TVR Cultural.

Parteneri: Fundaţia Vodafone România, Centrul Ceh, Institutul Polonez Bucureşti, Academia de muzică "Gheorghe Dima" din Cluj Napoca.

Sponsori: Ramada Majestic, Pada Murre, Paralela 45.

Parteneri media: Şapte Seri, Observator Cultural, LiterNet, Revista 22, Online Galery, Jurnalul Naţional.


You are invited to



Friday October 15th at 1pm in the Glasshouses in Ravenscourt Park

Including a presentation about the Generations Together Project

Herbal Haven~ Time to Get Together

Cathy Maund
Hammersmith Community Gardens Association
1 Melina Road
London W12 9HY